In the press

Our research featured in the press:

International press 

  • IEEE Spectrum, 31 August 2009 “Graphene makes transistor tunable” by Neil Savage [link][pdf]
  • Nature, 16 April 1998 (Vol. 392 pag. 358), “The Noise is the Signal” by Rolf Landauer [link][pdf]
  • Science, 9 April 1999 (Vol. 284, pag. 275) “Bunches of photons, anti bunches of electrons”, by Markus Buttiker, [link][pdf]

National press (italian)

  • La Stampa, Tutto Scienze, 10 Dicembre 2014 “Minuscoli, velocissimi e in 2D, Addio ai transistor al silicio”, di Nadia Ferrigo. [pdf]
  •, 24 Ottobre 2015, “Transistor del futuro, a Pisa si studiano i nuovi materiali”, di Manolo De Agostini [link][pdf]


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